Shader Animation Studio
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How does it work?
Shader Animation Studio works by giving you a custom interface for arranging and animating individual mesh objects as part of a larger whole. Once you have finished creating your animation Shader Animation Studio combines all of the individual meshes into a single finalized mesh that is baked with all of the specialized data needed for the custom shader and creates a new prefab and mesh object for the finalized copy.
Getting Started
Creating a new Vertex Animation
To create a new Vertex Animation you can right click in the hierarchy window and use the following menu item.

Right Click->630 Tools->Vertex Animation Data

Note: Creating a new Vertex Animation will also launch the editor for you if it is not already open.
Launching the Editor
There are several ways the editor can be launched.
  1. The editor is launched automatically when you create a new Vertex Animation Data.
  2. It can be launched via the Window/630 Studios/Shader Animation Studio menu item in the main toolbar.
  3. The editor can also be launched from the inspector window when viewing a Vertex Animation Data component.
Adding parts to the animation
To add new parts to an animation you can drag and drop parts directly from the hierarchy window or project window onto the animation editor, and a new entry is created in the parts list.
Details Panel
The general settings panel gives you a on overview of the animation you are editing as well as the option to export the animation, or save a prefab of the animation.
This is the animation object you are currently targeting.
Export Material
This is the material you wish to use on the finalized exported object.
Part Details
The part detail panel gives you an overview of the settings for that part and allows you to make manual adjustments.
Start Position
The location of the part at the beginning of the animation.
Start Rotation
The starting rotation of the part at the beginning of the animation.
Start Scale
The starting scale of the object at the beginning of the animation.
End Position
The final location of the part at the end of the animation.
End Rotation
The final rotation of the part at the end of the animation.
End Scale
The final scale of the part at the end of the animation.
The pivot point used for rotation and scaling calculations.
Header Color
Controls the UI color of header sections in the editor.
Header Text Color
Controls the UI color of the header text.
Timeline Color
The color of the timeline UI element.
Selected Color
The color of a selected part in the timeline panel.
Alt Selected Color
The color of additionally selected parts in the timeline panel.
Timeline Row Color
The default color of odd numbered rows in the timeline panel.
Timeline Alt Row Color
The default color of even numbered rows in the timeline panel.
Time Span Color
The color of the duration indicator of a part in the the timeline panel.
Timeline Highlight Color
The color of primary selected row in the timeline panel.
Timeline Alt Highlight Color
The color of any additional selected rows in the timeline panel.
Timeline Lead Color
The color of the timeline before the start of a parts animation.
Timeline Text Color
The color applied to text elements on the timeline panel.
Timeline Alt Text Color
The alternate color of text elements on the timeline panel.
Timeline Height
The height of the timeline preview element, allowing you to make it bigger or smaller depending on your screen's resolution and personal taste.
Timeline Zoom
The current timeline zoom factor.
Timeline Snape Value
The minimum incremented value of changes made on the timeline.